Thursday, July 28, 2011

True Blood;;

So. I don't watch much t.v. (it's kinda hard when you don't have cable), but I DO watch a lot of True Blood. One of my friends lets me creep up on her couch every sunday night, and I get my fix of sexy men with fangs, bloodshed, werewolves, shifters, blah di blah magick and what not.

Now this season, I was rather intrigued (spoilers if you haven't watched it yet!) to find that the "bad guy" is actually a Wiccan. BUT. Not in the sense that she's a crazy old hag out to hex everyone. Marne is actually a sweet, if slightly deluded, older lady with the best of intentions. Problem is, she is a powerful conduit/medium, and her new "buddy" isn't as benevolent as Marne would like to believe (hence, slightly delusional).

On a side note, I want a Merlott's Tshirt more than I want to breathe. Our other friend who watches with us always dresses as one of the waitresses from the show, and suffice to say, I'm kinda jealous. I wanna be cool too! Or, as cool as a fangirl glued to the t.v. can be, anyways.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stereotypical Job? Could be. :]

So I've been thinking about it for awhile now, and I've stumbled upon the idea that I should be an anthropologist. For those of you who don't know, this consists of just about everything. It's the study of man, literally. I would be learning languages, cultures, about food and music, traditions, archaeology (history) and all kinds of cool stuff. Also for those of you who don't know, I'm decision-making challenged, so this is a pretty big deal. (I'm one of those, "I don't care, you're the driver, you pick" types.)

You would think being the super geek that I am, that I would've figured this out a long time ago. Say, when I first got into college. But no. It took several attempts and failures at being a music major to figure it out. (Plus has thrown a quite a few cool websites at me recently; it helps)

Now, I love music. And I can do the long hours and hard work, but I'm just not cut out for the super crazy, *I'm-better-than-you-but-I-don't-really-care* (insert snide look here) bullcrap. Plus I have horrible stage fright, and I can't stand people who don't care about the subject I love, so I don't think I'm out to be a music teacher. Since I'm not amazing at any instrument, it doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of options, now does it?

So bear (sp?) with me, as I geek my way through some anthropology classes and such, (to be started in a few months). I can't wait!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Okay, I know it's been a while, but this is really awesome.

I swear, knows me oh too well. It sent me a link today on history. World history. And the article goes a little something like this:

Apparantly there's evidence that there use to be (10- 12, 000 years ago or more) a GLOBAL civilization. Can you even imagine what that means?!  There was a global language (so we read) and monuments etc. and so on, and that's really only the beginning. Forgive me geeking out all over the place, but how can you not be amazed at hearing about all this?

Here's the link

Take a look yourself. Geek out with me a little! :]