Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stereotypical Job? Could be. :]

So I've been thinking about it for awhile now, and I've stumbled upon the idea that I should be an anthropologist. For those of you who don't know, this consists of just about everything. It's the study of man, literally. I would be learning languages, cultures, about food and music, traditions, archaeology (history) and all kinds of cool stuff. Also for those of you who don't know, I'm decision-making challenged, so this is a pretty big deal. (I'm one of those, "I don't care, you're the driver, you pick" types.)

You would think being the super geek that I am, that I would've figured this out a long time ago. Say, when I first got into college. But no. It took several attempts and failures at being a music major to figure it out. (Plus has thrown a quite a few cool websites at me recently; it helps)

Now, I love music. And I can do the long hours and hard work, but I'm just not cut out for the super crazy, *I'm-better-than-you-but-I-don't-really-care* (insert snide look here) bullcrap. Plus I have horrible stage fright, and I can't stand people who don't care about the subject I love, so I don't think I'm out to be a music teacher. Since I'm not amazing at any instrument, it doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of options, now does it?

So bear (sp?) with me, as I geek my way through some anthropology classes and such, (to be started in a few months). I can't wait!

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