Some of my friends asked me to do a comparison, and to explain paganism for *me* so they could get a grasp on what it is. I realize paganism isn't going to be the same for every person, but then, Christianity isn't going to be the same to every christian either, now is it?
Christianity~ It follows the belief that there is one God, from the teachings of the Bible, who gave his only son Jesus to save humanity from its sins. Now, paganism predates Christianity. Over 25,000 years ago there is evidence of paganism and the worship of women as givers of life. I.e.- Gaia, Haumea, The Goddess, etc. One of the prominant parts of paganism is the belief in the Goddess (triple goddess), and the Horned God. The story of them is similar to that of Mary and Jesus, in that the Maiden aspect of the Goddess, the virgin, and the Horned God as her consort consumate their love and he becomes the life in her womb, and she gives birth to him as her son, the bringer of life. Much like God gives his son to Mary, the virgin, and she gives birth to him, the giver of life.
During an uglier time for paganism and christianity, the church did what it could to stamp out or assimilate pagan worshipers. They turned the Horned God into Lucifer, the horned devil, and added many of the pagan holidays to their own. Yule, the Winter Solstice, became Christmas, the much disputed birth of Christ. Easter, the holiday celebrating his rebirth, was originally a holiday celebrating spring and renewal of life (Ostara), and the Goddess Eostre, who was being courted by Boga, who turned into a hare and laid a beautiful egg to win her over. Eggs and rabbits... Sound familiar? I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder where the Easter bunny and Easter eggs fit in with Jesus.
Halloween is also a pagan holiday, coming from Samhain, or All Hallow's Eve. As you might surmise, many of the traditions of said holidays are from the pagan traditions as well. To be short, Christianity is a later but similar religion to paganism, only a lot more strict, I think.
There are a lot of people who should take some time to think about that, I believe. It turns out we're all not so different, are we? And imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, wouldn't you say? ;]
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