Hey everyone, sorry about the lapse in blog posts. I've been going through somethings, and I thought it best to take time for myself for a while. I'm going to try and write at least every other day from now on. (feel free to spam me with reminders and topics of interest!)
On a serious note, I thought I'd bring something to attention for those of us in interfaith relationships. When you love someone, you can make anything work. But you need to pay attention to a few things. You shouldn't feel like you're silly or ridiculous for what you believe in. For instance, I was with an atheist for five years, and everytime he saw me practicing or gathering herbs and such, he'd laugh at me. To him, it was no big deal that he found me amusing, but to me it was a little hurtful. I didn't say anything because I knew he didn't mean anything by it, but I should have. You should show respect for what your partner believes, whether or not you think it's silly.
Regardless of what you believe, you should never feel belittled because of it, by anyone. And I think sometimes we forget that, and make excuses for the people we love when they do it.